
The Ambisonic Cube is an immersive audio system which can be experienced either over a multichannel loudspeaker setup or binaural over headphones. In collaboration with the IEM, the five Sound Design students composed their first spatial 3D audio piece during the spatialisation lecture by M. Frank. These compositions are on the website as a binaural mix, for the real immersive experience please wear headphones.

Moosbrugger Celia


Globalisation stopped, the life of many people changed, even the earth changed. Air quality became better, also the water quality was getting cleaner etc. This audio production shows the side effects of the pandemic. The society should get motivated to think about globalisation, our big environmental issues and the always faster getting world.

 Master’s Program Show  B Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design  B Online exhibition  B Starting on 27 January 2021  B
 Master’s Program Show  B Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design  B Online exhibition  B Starting on 27 January 2021  B